Kawsar Hussen
Brooklyn, NY
Job Title
Lead UI Developer
Lambda Class
Full Stack Web

“I came here from Bangladesh alone at 18. I barely spoke English and I saved for higher education to pursue a computer science degree. It was a hard life. I graduated with my associate’s degree, but always wanted to be a developer. Most jobs require a bachelor's degree and coding bootcamps were very costly. Lambda made me most interested because I could do it online and drive Uber at night.

One of the best things about Lambda School is the network. I'm from a different background. When I do online coding, nobody cares about your race, your color, and where you are from. You could be an introvert or extrovert, but there’s a good chance everybody is asking the same questions. 

People told me that nine months is a long time and asked me how would I manage a full-time job and a full-time curriculum. But if I get the right guidance from the right curriculum and right institution then yes, I can do it. And I am grateful. I got the right guidance from Lambda School.

I am proud to have been hired as a Lead UI Developer because all my life I didn't want to think of myself as a Junior Developer. I wanted to learn.

"After I graduated from Lambda School, I started believing nothing is impossible – they make you think like that. I can learn any framework, any technology. If I put in effort, I can learn it.”

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