Student Story
Gabe Samaniego
UX Engineer
SimSpace Corporation
Video Transcript

I'm Gabe, I'm from Los Angeles, California. I got started at Lambda School, in August 2018. I joined the web 14 cohort, I now work at SimSpace Corporation here in Boston, Massachusetts.

Before Lambda, I was pretty much just job hopping, I was working in downtown LA getting paid a really low wage. I had actually never made anything more than $25k in a year.

When I discovered Lambda School had already found different bootcamps in LA. But the common thing was that they needed about $10,000 upfront. What struck me about Lambda was the ISA. I was like, "What? I don't have to pay right away? I pay after, when I get a job making over $50k? I'm in. I'm doing this."

I always promised myself that when I left Lambda School, I don't want to say there's something else I could have done. And I'm happy to say that when I accepted the offer, I really went all in. I can honestly say there wasn't anything more I could have done.

And the fact that I found what I love to do, late in life – I wish I had started way back when I was maybe 20 or 18. I wish I knew when I was way younger, but I think that's also an advantage because now that I, I found it right.

It gives me the motivation, the hunger, to like catch up to where I would have been if I had started a long time ago. That's what drives me to keep getting better.

I feel really grateful to be in this position. I get to work from home, I get to keep my job. I get to do something fun and get paid to do it. It was totally worth it.

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